Facial Contouring!!!!!

Hello ladies!!!! welcome back.  I know, most of you must be wondering why I have not done any posts lately and the only thing I have to blame it on is WINTER.  It is the time when the whole house ends up falling sick one after another and I am playing doctor around the clock. So big apologies to all my followers.

I recently got a request from one of my followers on how to apply foundation for a round face. The answer to that is facial contouring….it will help give definition and make any shape slimmer and more  put together.

There are a few makeup artists who I think are extremely talented and this guy is one of them….check him out.

I have personally tried this technique on myself and also on a friend and the results are pretty amazing.  If you decide to facial contour I would love it if you shared your experience with me.



About Heels Health and Happiness

A little about myself: I was born and raised in Canada. Coming from a family with 4 siblings (total) it was hard to convince my parents to give me enough money to experiment with fashion. You see...I come from a family that puts a LOT of emphasis on Academics and fashion was something that was almost looked down upon....so I did what most kids do, I went the academic route secretly envying fashion from afar. What I hope to achieve in this blog is to experiment with fashion and all things creative. Be it interior decorating, landscape designing, gardening, art and my first love fashion. I invite you all to join me on this journey of fashion and creativity and self discovery. I will make mistakes and fashion blunders but a wise man once said "The best part of the journey is the journey itself not so much the destination"
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6 Responses to Facial Contouring!!!!!

  1. Contouring is really amazing- I have yet to perfect it but this is a good tutorial!


  2. Anjali says:

    Awesome tips Sarah:)


  3. rhema3one7 says:

    Good one Sarah. That’s glamorous and uptown girlish 🙂


  4. Good to see you back! Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial 🙂


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